Visiting Guidelines

(Updated June 5, 2023) Woodstock Hospital has updated general visiting guidelines.

Woodstock Hospital has established and implemented Family Presence Guidelines to assist with ongoing efforts to limit the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses.  Updates to visiting and entrance access will be added to the Situation Report, posted on the Artery for staff to reference as well as the WH website for public to reference.  Individuals found to be non-compliant with these guidelines will be asked to leave the facility.  Please contact the appropriate nursing unit if you have any questions regarding visitor eligibility.  Please contact our Patient Experience Office at 519-421-4233 x3667 or should you have a complaint.

Infection Control Measures:

  • Visitors will be directed to wash their hands on entry
  • Woodstock Hospital is a mask friendly organization.  Masks will continue to be available at all entrances for visitor use.
  • Visitors are encouraged to wear a mask in waiting areas due to close proximity to others
  • Symptomatic visitors are strongly discouraged from visiting the hospital until their symptoms have resolved. These visitors may be granted permission to enter for extenuating circumstances providing they have approval from the unit and are compliant with masking.
  • Patients who are on Droplet Contact Enhanced Isolation Precautions may be limited to one (1) visitor at the bedside – visitor will be required to wear a mask with eye protection when entering the patient room.
  • Visitors must wear hospital-provided mask, eye protection, gown and gloves prior to entering a patient’s room under additional Droplet & Contact Isolation if providing direct care.  This is at the discretion of the primary nurse or Clinical Director and based on the patient’s medical status at the time of the visit.
  • For all other patients on additional precautions, nurses will provide direction to the visitor to ensure visitor safety and proper adherence to the necessary personal protective equipment requirements.
  • All hospital contractors, vendors and external service providers must be fully vaccinated to enter the facility.

Inpatient Visiting Guidelines

  • Visiting hours are 1100-2000
  • L500 visiting hours are 1430-1630 and 1800-2000
  • Limit of two (2) visitors per patient at the bedside – additional guidelines below for Maternal Child and Women’s Health (MCWH).
  • Additional consideration will be given for (a) palliative patients, (b) pediatric patients (c) long-stay patients, (d) laboring persons and (e) where required for enabling care
  • Overnight visits for visitors will be determined at the discretion of the clinical care team, in consultation with the patient.
  • Children under 16 years of age are permitted to visit when accompanied by an adult except on L500.
  • Visitors may be asked to temporarily leave the room to accommodate the delivery of medical needs to the patient.

If an outbreak is declared on a nursing unit, additional visiting restrictions will be determined by the unit Director in consultation with Infection Control based on patient care needs and outbreak management protocols.

Spiritual Care must follow all infection control measures, are permitted at any time and may visit more than one patient.

Maternal Child and Women’s Health – Labour & Delivery and Post-Partum Patients

  • Are permitted two (2) support persons that must remain the same during labour – only one support person may stay overnight
  • Pregnant persons coming into triage to be assessed for query labour, Non-Stress Tests or other appointments can come up to the unit with one support person.
  • Support persons will be given a blue wristband that will permit them in and out privileges from the hospital. Support persons are to limit contact with others when outside the organization.
  • Patient’s children may also visit postpartum, but must be accompanied by a supervising adult during visiting hours.
  • Confirmed positive COVID-19 patients will have exceptions and restrictions reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Clinical Director, Charge Nurse or delegate.


  • One (1) visitor will be permitted to accompany a patient to the Surgical/Daycare waiting area.
  • Once the patient leaves for the OR, the visitor may remain in the waiting area
  • One (1) pre-approved visitor may be permitted to accompany a patient into Daycare
  • One (1) visitor is required to accompany patients for cataract and carpal tunnel surgery and must wait in the main waiting area of the hospital until the procedure is complete. The visitor is permitted to the cafeteria/Tim Horton’s but should not leave the building.

Emergency Department

  • One (1) visitor will be permitted to attend and remain with the patient for the duration of their stay in the ED
  • All ED patients and visitors are strongly encouraged to wear a mask at all times in the ED.
  • Patients and visitors with symptoms of respiratory illness (cough, shortness of breath and/or fever) will be provided with a face mask and are to wear it properly at all times while in the ED.  Visitors with symptoms of respiratory illness who refuse to wear a face mask will not be permitted in the ED.
  • ED visitors must remain in the patient room.  Visitors will be permitted limited in and out privileges and may switch out during prolonged patient stays.
  • OVERCAPACITY Mitigation: Due to capacity limits, visitors may be asked to wait in their vehicles or emergency secondary waiting area until the patient is called back to the patient room. The visitors will be notified when they can return to the ED

Outpatient Services and Diagnostic Imaging

  • Outpatients are permitted to self-assess the need for having one (1) visitor accompany them to their appointment.  Outpatients not in need of support are encouraged to attend independently.
  • Children under 16 years of age are not permitted to accompany a patient to their appointment in Diagnostic Imaging or Chemotherapy
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