Materials Management

Receiving Hours:    8:00 am – 3:30 pm, Monday – Friday
General purchasing email:
Invoices to be sent to: 

At Woodstock Hospital,  the Materials Management Department works hard for our internal customers to ensure we have everything we need to support patient care.  Materials Management is responsible for sourcing and procuring equipment,  as well as the many goods and services used throughout our hospital, through fair and transparent purchasing practices.  We diligently manage contractual relationships, build vendor partnerships and strive to achieve the best value for the Hospital and the community we serve.

Purchase Orders Terms and Conditions

Unless otherwise provided in the Purchase Order or by separate agreement, the following Terms and Conditions apply to the purchase of all equipment, goods and services, including the repair or evaluation of medical or non-medical equipment or devices, for which a Purchase Order is issued by Woodstock Hospital. Click here to access this document.

Supply Chain Code of Ethics

To align with the Broader Public Sector Procurement Directives and industry leading practice, employees engaged in Supply Chain Activities, its suppliers, advisors and other stakeholders shall comply with the following Code of Ethics to ensure ethical, professional, and accountable Supply Chain Activities. Click here to access this document…

Contractor Site Rules

Contractors are expected to be familiar with Woodstock Hospital policies and procedures that may be applicable to the work being performed and the location of the work. Click here to access this document…

Certificate of Insurance

This form must be completed and signed by your insurer or insurance broker. Click here to access this document…

Privacy and Confidentiality Requirements for Suppliers

Patient privacy is of paramount importance to us and we recognize that our responsibilities extend to the Suppliers with whom we conduct business. Click here to access this document…

WH Supplier Communication Handbook

This handbook will familiarize you with Woodstock Hospital, clarify the policies and procedures that apply to your representatives when they are on site at our facilities, and explain the impact of provincial regulations on our business relationship. Click here to access this document…

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